Wednesday, 27 May 2009

The RSC - Value for money?

I don't usually advertise for chemical societies, but in these recessionary times I thought the following might be of interest to some readers.

RSC members have:
  • free access to Wiley, Elsevier, and Springer chemistry journals
  • free access to 913 chemistry e-books from a variety of sources
  • 20% off Pearson Education Books, 30% off Wiley, 35% off Blackwell
  • and most importantly, £5 off Pizza Express Club membership
Sure, chemistry societies organise conferences, enable networking, provide travel grants, and lobby politicians; but any society that doesn't look after its most vulnerable members by providing discounted pizza is not a society I want to be a member of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the flowers, wine and car hire! Seriously, the access to journal articles is worth many times the membership fee for those of us without institutional access to everything.