Avogadro is a cross-platform molecular visualiser with a lot of functionality geared towards setting up and analysing computational chemistry calculations. It is an open source project led by Marcus Hanwell and is built on top of OpenBabel.
Although Avogadro has increasing support for parsing comp chem log files from a variety of packages, there may be times when it chokes on a file. If this happens, it's nice to have a backup option. This is where cclib can come in handy.
If you're on Windows, have Avogadro 1.0.0, cclib 1.0, OpenBabel 2.2.3 and its Python bindings (these latter shouldn't be necessary in a future version of Avogadro), just copy the following code into a .py file and save it in C:\Program Files\Avogadro\bin\extensionScripts.
When you next start Avogadro, it will have an "Open with cclib" Option in the Scripts menu.
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
import sys
import cclib
import numpy
import Avogadro as avo
import openbabel as ob
class Extension(QObject):
def __init__(self):
def name(self): # Recommended
return "Open with cclib"
def description(self): # Recommended
return "Open comp chem files with cclib"
def actions(self): # Required
actions = []
# Actions are just instances of the QAction class from PyQt4
action = QAction(self)
action.setText("Open with cclib")
return actions
def performAction(self, action, glwidget): # Required
# Only one action so need to check its identity
filename = str(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName())
if not filename: # You hit cancel
return None
logfile = cclib.parser.ccopen(filename)
data = logfile.parse()
obmol = ob.OBMol()
avomol = avo.molecules.addMolecule()
avoatoms = []
for atomcoord, atomno in zip(data.atomcoords[-1], data.atomnos):
coord = atomcoord.tolist()
obatom = ob.OBAtom()
newatom = avomol.addAtom()
newatom.atomicNumber = int(atomno)
newatom.pos = atomcoord
for bond in ob.OBMolBondIter(obmol):
newbond = avomol.addBond()
newbond.setBegin(avomol.atom(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() - 1))
newbond.setEnd(avomol.atom(bond.GetEndAtomIdx() - 1))
newbond.order = bond.GetBO()
avo.GLWidget.current().molecule = avomol
return None
- There should be no need to have the OpenBabel Python bindings installed separately, but there is no way to access the OpenBabel library in Avogadro (at least on Windows). This prevents me, for example, from calling ConnectTheDots (I had to use my own installation of OpenBabel) or to add Conformers (which was what I wanted to do).
- There are two Script menus after installing this plugin!
- How do I emit a debug message?
- The Python prompt in Avogadro requires you to "print" everything to see its value. This should not be necessary.
- Cutting and pasting multiple lines into the Python prompt works fine, but it looks pretty weird as the prompt (>>>) is missing.